Debugging Envoy sidecar C++ code in an Istio mesh#

This article is source from my open source book [Istio Insider].


Debugging Envoy sidecar C++ code running in Istio mesh. It helps deep dive into the sidecar at code level. It makes us more confident when troubleshooting Istio problem or writing better EnvoyFilter or eBPF trace program. This article guides how to use VSCode and lldb to debug Envoy istio-proxy sidecar.

My motivation#

Years ago, I wrote an article: [gdb debug istio-proxy(envoy) (Chinese)]. It is only debugging an Envoy process out of Istio mesh.

For me, Deep dive into the behavior of sidecar (istio-proxy) in Istio service mesh make me more confidence to finish my book: Istio Insider. I want to use (lldb/gdb) + VSCode to debug Envoy(C++ code) which running on an Istio service mesh.


Figure - Remote lldb debug istio-proxy

Figure: Remote lldb debug istio-proxy#

Open with

Environment Assumption#

Istio verion: 1.17.2

Environment assumption:

  • a k8s cluster

    • node network CIDR:

    • Istio 1.17.2 installed

    • tested k8s namespace: mark

    • tested pod run on node:

  • a Linux developer node

    • IP addr:

    • hostname: labile-T30

    • OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS

    • user home: /home/labile

    • Can reach k8s cluster node network

    • with X11 GUI

    • VSCode

    • Docker installed

    • with Internet connection

Environment construction steps#

1. Build istio-proxy with debug info#

1.1 Clone source code#

Run on labile-T30

mkdir -p $HOME/istio-testing/
cd $HOME/istio-testing/
git clone work
cd work
git checkout tags/1.17.2 -b 1.17.2

1.2 start istio-proxy-builder container#

Compiling a large project like istio-proxy is an environment-related job. For a novice like me, I would like to use the official Istio CI compilation container directly. Benefits are:

  1. The environment is consistent with the official Istio version to avoid version pitfalls. Theoretically the generated executable is the same

  2. Built-in tools, easy to use

Note: The build-tools-proxy container image list can be found at Please select the image corresponding to the version of istio-proxy you want to compile. The method is to use the Filter function in the web page. The following only takes release-1.17 as an example.

# optional
docker network create --subnet= router

docker stop istio-proxy-builder
docker rm istio-proxy-builder

mkdir -p $HOME/istio-testing/home/.cache

# run istio-proxy-builder container
docker run --init  --privileged --name istio-proxy-builder --hostname istio-proxy-builder \
    --network router \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw \
    -v $HOME/istio-testing/work:/work \
    -v $HOME/istio-testing/home/.cache:/home/.cache \
    -w /work \
    -d bash -c '/bin/sleep 300d'

1.3 build istio-proxy#

## goto istio-proxy-builder container
docker exec -it istio-proxy-builder bash

## build istio-proxy with debug info in output ELF
cd /work
make build BAZEL_STARTUP_ARGS='' BAZEL_BUILD_ARGS='-s  --explain=explain.txt --config=debug' BAZEL_TARGETS=':envoy'

It took me 3 hours to build it on my 2 cores CPU and 64GB ram machine. More core will be faster.

You can check the output ELF after build finished:

## goto istio-proxy-builder container
docker exec -it istio-proxy-builder bash

build-tools: # ls -lh /work/bazel-out/k8-dbg/bin/src/envoy/envoy
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1.2G Feb 18 21:46 /work/bazel-out/k8-dbg/bin/src/envoy/envoy

2. Setup testing pod#

2.1 Build debug istio-proxy docker image#

Run on labile-T30:

# start local private plain http docker image registry
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name image-registry --hostname image-registry registry:2

mkdir -p image/gdb-istio-proxy
cd image/gdb-istio-proxy

# NOTICE: replae 1e0bb3bee2d09d2e4ad3523530d3b40c with the real path in your environment
sudo ln $HOME/istio-testing/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/1e0bb3bee2d09d2e4ad3523530d3b40c/execroot/io_istio_proxy/bazel-out/k8-dbg/bin/envoy ./envoy

cat > proxyv2:1.17.2-debug.Dockerfile <<"EOF"

COPY envoy /usr/local/bin/envoy

RUN apt-get -y update \
  && sudo apt -y install lldb

# build docker image
docker build . -f ./proxyv2:1.17.2-debug.Dockerfile -t proxyv2:1.17.2-debug

docker tag proxyv2:1.17.2-debug localhost:5000/proxyv2:1.17.2-debug
# push image to local image registry
docker push localhost:5000/proxyv2:1.17.2-debug

Total size of image:

  • Envoy elf: 1.4G

  • lldb package: 700Mb

  • others

2.2 run target pod#

kubectl -n mark apply -f - <<"EOF"

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: fortio-server
    app: fortio-server
  serviceName: fortio-server
  replicas: 1
      app: fortio-server
      annotations: "true" "4Gi" "512Mi"
      labels: fortio-server
        app: fortio-server
      restartPolicy: Always
      - name: main-app
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        command: ["/usr/bin/fortio"]
        args: ["server", "-M", "8070 http://fortio-server-l2:8080"]
        - containerPort: 8080
          protocol: TCP
          name: http      
        - containerPort: 8070
          protocol: TCP
          name: http-m

      - name: istio-proxy
        image: auto
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

2.3 start lldb server#


sudo su

# get PID of envoy
export POD="fortio-server-0"
ENVOY_PIDS=$(pgrep envoy)
while IFS= read -r ENVOY_PID; do
    HN=$(sudo nsenter -u -t $ENVOY_PID hostname)
    if [[ "$HN" = "$POD" ]]; then # space between = is important
        sudo nsenter -u -t $ENVOY_PID hostname
        export POD_PID=$ENVOY_PID
done <<< "$ENVOY_PIDS"
echo $POD_PID
export PID=$POD_PID

sudo nsenter -t $PID -u -p -m bash -c 'lldb-server platform --server --listen *:2159' #NO -n: not join network namespace
Test lldb-server(Optional)#

Run on labile-T30:

sudo lldb
# commands run in lldb:
platform select remote-linux
platform connect connect://

# list process of istio-proxy container
platform process list

file /home/labile/istio-testing/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/1e0bb3bee2d09d2e4ad3523530d3b40c/execroot/io_istio_proxy/bazel-out/k8-dbg/bin/envoy

# Assuming pid of envoy is 15
attach --pid 15

# wait, please the big evnoy ELF


3. Attach testing istio-proxy with debuger#

3.1 start lldb-vscode-server container#

Run on labile-T30:

  1. start lldb-vscode-server container

docker stop lldb-vscode-server
docker rm lldb-vscode-server
docker run \
--entrypoint /bin/bash \
--init  --privileged --name lldb-vscode-server --hostname lldb-vscode-server \
    --network router \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw \
    -v $HOME/istio-testing/work:/work \
    -v $HOME/istio-testing/home/.cache:/home/.cache \
    -w /work \
    -d localhost:5000/proxyv2:1.17.2-debug \
    -c '/bin/sleep 300d'

3.2 VSCode attach lldb-vscode-server container#

  1. Start VSCode GUI on labile-T30.

  2. Run vscode command(Ctrl+Shift+p): Remote Containers: Attach to Running Container, select lldb-vscode-server container.

  3. After attached to container, open folder: /work.

  4. Install VSCode extensions:

    • CodeLLDB

    • clangd (Optional)

3.3 lldb remote attach Envoy process#

3.3.1 Create launch.json#

Create .vscode/launch.json in /work

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "AttachLLDBRemote",
            "type": "lldb",
            "request": "attach",
            "program": "/work/bazel-out/k8-dbg/bin/envoy",
            "pid": "15", //pid of envoy in istio-proxy container
            "sourceMap": {
                "/proc/self/cwd": "/work/bazel-work",
                "/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/1e0bb3bee2d09d2e4ad3523530d3b40c/sandbox/linux-sandbox/263/execroot/io_istio_proxy": "/work/bazel-work"
            "initCommands": [
                "platform select remote-linux", // Execute `platform list` for a list of available remote platform plugins.
                "platform connect connect://"
3.3.2 Attach remote process#

Run and debug: AttachLLDBRemote in VSCode.

It may took about 1 minute to load the 1GB ELF. Please be patient.

4. Debuging#



containerd allow pull image from plain http docker image registry#

Update /etc/containerd/config.toml of the node in k8s cluster:

sudo vi /etc/containerd/config.toml

version = 2

        endpoint = [""]

Dynamic path#

Please update /home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_root/1e0bb3bee2d09d2e4ad3523530d3b40c path according to your environment.

Why use lldb not gdb#

I was hit by many issues when use gdb.

More Cloud native flavor of remote debugging#

Years ago, I wrote an article: Rethinking the development environment in the cloud-native era - from Dev-to-Cloud to Dev@Cloud. It introduce how to install a Pod running X11 desktop environment in k8s cluster and connect to the desktop just by an web browser.

Pure cloud native flavor is the target. In order to make debugging istio-proxy more cloud native flavor. You can replace some components in below diagram with k8s component. It can also lower the threshold for developers to access the debugging environment. For example:

  • Sharing folders between docker containers running on labile-T30 could be replaced with k8s RWX(ReadWriteMany) PV. e.g NFS/CephFS.

  • istio-proxy-builder and lldb-vscode-server container can run as Pods in k8s and mount RWX PVCs.

  • Remote Containers: Attach to Running Container can replace by a VSCode-server k8s service which can easily access by any web browser. A Node with X11 desktop / VSCode GUI app and docker or ssh connection is not required anymore. Just expose the VSCode-server as a k8s service and access it on the web browser.

Figure - Remote lldb debug istio-proxy 2

Figure: Remote lldb debug istio-proxy 2#

Open with